Monday, May 23, 2011

Renegade for life and Whoring trophys to save the galaxy

So I got around to finishing my 2nd play through of Mass Effect 2, all renegade..and I took the fuck you option at the end and blew up the Collector base.

So since I enjoy sniping people so much, it fun to watch them flip over and it's just old theapry to lighten my mood..I decided to play through again but this time going for the Insanity trophy and any other that I missed, because at the end of 2nd play through I was missing like 4 trophys:
The Platinum one
the dual biotic one (which last night I got)

Also I deleted my female paragon save..mostly because I never like her voice, she sounded like a butch lesbian, which I guess is the right role for a female military grunt to save the universe..but still it got annoying..

So that just now leaves 3 to get..and I saw a video how to get the brawler one really really easy at the start of the game, so I can do that in like an hour or that just leaves Insanity and duh the Platinum..

SO far I am doing ok all things being considered..expect with those damn flame thrower guys..fuck I hate those guys..they just ninja up on you and kill you in 2 hits..since you can run..

So I hope I can just power through the Insanity mode and finish it out..wish me luck

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