Friday, September 30, 2011

Motionjoy, the pluses and the minuses

Motion joy is a program that allows you to play PC games with a PS3 controller, but making your computer think it is an Xbox controller, since the both connect via USB.  For the longest time this is how I was playing games on Steam, since I don't own an XBOX controller this seemed to be the perfect balance.

But recently, Motionjoy will stop working, forcing me to ctrl alt del out of the game I am playing to re-enable the program, usually while this happens..I die, or I fail to protect the flag, this program happened more and more recently..But yesterday the program just stopped work..the site wouldn't load..So given all these problems, next week I am just going to get an X-Box controller, as much as it pains me, I hope I can get used to it, it is a big controller.

A lot of the loading problems I read are because of Win 7 64 bit, ive heard that if you have a 32 bit OS, it shouldn't be that much OS an issue, I aslso read there is some way to fix it, but it sounds to complicated to deal with, so a new controller I will get.

I do recommend trying this program out for anyone, even more so if you want to PC game and aren't good at Mouse and Keyboard like I am/

A little more about the one under the lamp post

 I snagged this nifty little thing from here: the little things we do

1.   My current obsession is    FMA Brotherhood and Steam Powered Gaming    .

2.   Anime and Gaming       make me happy.

3.  My greatest strength is  unique outlook on things   .

4.   My broken and hopeless heart    is my greatest weakness.

5.  My life is    slowly down the drain .

6.  In high school I was     able to jump friendship clicks easily   .

7.  When I'm super tired   I let my mind float to a happier place  .

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Looking hot while killing zombies, welcome to Onechanbara

So on a tip from my Therapist I picked up Onechanbara: Bikini Zombie slayers because she said it was killing zombies with hot Asian girls and swords, the more than enough for me to play a game.

This game was realised on the Wii and the Xbox, and like so many titles on the Wii that are also out on other systems..the took a lot of the plot out and gave it slightly annoying controls.  I have been told by ym Theaprist again, that the Xbox release has more cut scenes that flesh out the story, and I am going to assume the controls are better.

You start off being able to pick between one of 2 sisters, with the ability to change their costumes to much sexier versions later after achieveing quests and beating the game.  The story is the sisters are looking for each other, something about Banebul Blood and it making them go crazy..seriously not much of this is explained well. There are 2 other characters you can play as later, I assume after you beat the game, but I haven't gotten that far. But I did have to fight one of them as a boss, if that counts for anything.

The 2 reasons you play this game are obvious Fan cerise and killing zombies, which I can totally appricate. To unlock more sexy outfit, you need to beat a stage and go play in Free Mode and to Quests/Missions, the problem is the game doesn't tell you what they are until you do it, so be preprared to guess or searth the web for guides on what to do, or just go here: Onechanbara walk through: PDF form, just trust me on is a life saver.

Another thing with this game is comboing, combo better and get more exp to level up faster, make sense expect most monster die in like 3 hits and the combo meter doesnt get good till 10..and it is short lived not giving you time to continue the combo chain. Also there are "rings" that get dropped from special monsters along the way, and theses can only be killed by "Cool Comboing", which is perfect zen timing on your combo. This would be all well and good by me and comboing don't get along, it's part of the reason why I don't do fighting games.

The game is kinda repeating it's self, but I kinda expected that going into this game..mostly giving it's not a complex game and one again it's on the Wii.

If your not interested in mad questing or trying to figure out comboing, this isn't that long of a game. You could probably beat it in a weekend run if you so wanted to, your arm might be tired from waving the wii mote around though.  So if you like sexy barely clothed asians with swords cutting and beating the hell out of zombies, I would recommend you get this game even more so if you have an Xbox..if you have a will you might dig this but be bummed that the Xbox version is better, but that shouldn't be something new to Wii owners, disappointment.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Final Fantasy HD it's not that one you think it is

So I was reading my Twitter feed and saw this from Kotaku: final-fantasy-x.

Thats right, FFX is coming to us in an HD remake, this excites me because despite everything I enjoyed 10. The story was solid, I loved the characters, the skill system was interesting it just allowed you to make everyone into everyone else but you had to earn the hell out of it.  My one thing that pissed me off with the ultimate weapons system, needing to pieces to unlock the weapon and most of those times the 2 pieces were un-godly hard..-remember 200 lighting strike dodge challenge-

Now has this pissed off some people, yes it has. People want FF13 versus out..and 14 to be fixed.  But in my opinion that is just the part of the anger.

The main reason nwhy people are pissed is that, it's not FF7!! Seriously what is Square thinking, do they not know how much money they could make if they re-made 7!!!!! It just makes me so pissed off..anyway I leave you with the teaser "Tech-Demo" that shows the possible intro to FF7 on the PS3.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


This week we look Tieria Erde and his suit the Seravee Gundam.

Tieria is a pilot from 00 Gundam to look into him look here: Tieria_Erde. Tieria skill set favors Shot and Defense. His personal mission has him behind enemy lines fighting ace pilots by him self, then Setsuna comes to the rescue, you need to race around making sure your HQ isn't taking over, this included beating up a Giant Mobile Suit. In the end you fight Ribbons, the enemy from the 00 Series.

 The Seravee Gundam  favors Shot/Defense/Armor..the suit is not fast or agile. So if you need to race some where, the Seravee probably won't make it in time. But if you want to take out a huge crowd of people, this suit is for you.  It's personal equipment is like the other 00 Gundams, the Original Solar Furnace, which increases it's Trans AM time. It's ground SP attack is a huge pink death ball that gets fired and trails along a path, but it should be known that the more SP bars you have charged up the bigger the ball gets at max it is about 25% of the screen and can clear a grow or take an Ace Pilots HP bar down by about half. It's air SP attack combine the two cannon in a huge single burst, which is good for taking out a single target.

As your attacking you will see a smaller suit fly off the Seravee, this Gundam is the Seraphom Gundam, in the game it helps with attacking, in the show it helps with attacks and more support features. This suit doesn't have it's own stats. I just wanted to talk about it since, people might be wondering what it was.

This is the last DLC for DWG 3 when it comes to suits. And this last one didn't disappoint, it was fun to just blast the hell out of everything with big pink "Vanishing Balls" (DBZ usage here).  So if you want to just shoot everything and just laugh Heavy style like in TF 2, get this suit today.

Friday, September 9, 2011

DWG 3 DLC, How fast do you want to go..?

SO this week we bring you the Arios Gundam and it's pilot Allelujah Haptism.

Allelujah is a Gundam Meister from 00 Gundam, to learn about him check out here Allelujah_Haptism. His stats are truely balanced, not favoring one over another. His personal mission has you racing all over the screen to different points, fighting Big Zam along the way. Note if your a fan of Hallelujah, aka his evil side, Like I am..Expect to be disappointed, Hallelujah has only one line, I was expect more lines from him or even better to just select him and listen to him all the time.  Also I refuse to use his English voice, since it's the since voice ascot as Inyusha..I refuse to listen to him..

This is the Arios Gundam.  First thing first, this suit doesn't spealize in shot/melee and the armor/defense isn't to high, the Arios is all about speed, hit them quick dodge around and hit them again, also using dash attacks in rapid succession with in mid combo, is a good way to fight Ace Pilots. The Arios can also enter Trans Am mode much like other 00 Gundam- you thought you were fast before wait till Trans AM.  It's unique special part, is "Original Solar reactor" which increases it's Trans-Am length It'd ground SP uses a spread attack of it's twin beam cannons for massive crowd control. It's air SP, it turns into it plane mode and charges ahead. Like Wing Zero, Zeta, ZZ and some others it can transform into a flight mode. With this unit, if you want to train, i recommend lower level mission until you get some plans, because you won't be hitting hard. SO get ready to die a lot if you start off to hard.

This DLC I was to totally disappointed , I was expecting to be able to hear Hallelujah and his craziness, also I was expect a little more out of the Arios, not just pure speed..I was expect at least some better defense/armor. I could of handled the low attack with better armor. So I got it because I wanted to have a total DLC set, but only get this if you like Allelujah over his crazy side, or if you are a crazed speed attacker.