I Am Alive is an XBLA/PSN game for 15$. You follow the adventures of Generic guy 87, seriously thye never use his name, but he is recording his travels home to see his wife and daughter.
This game has 2 difficultly settings: Normal and survivor..the basic difference is the amount of resources and retry's you find laying around.
The premise of this game is the Guy is trying to get home to see is family after something called the "Event". The main way to get around in this game is Parcoring, thing inFamous but without the bitching powers that let you drop really far or easily make pole jumps. The big thing is that you have a stamina gauge, so climbing, running, opening chain locked fences..all take stamina, also there is this cloud of dust at the street level that takes your stamina as well. So your always on the watch to see if your gauge is going to crash..then you do.
Another huge mechanic is the inventory system, you will find resources that will recover health and stamina as you progress on but they are limited so you have to manage your resources correctly or your going to die. Another even more rare thing is ammo for your 3 weapons, well your 4th is a machete but that doesn't need ammo. You get a Bow, a Pistol and a shot gun. The Bow you get 1 arrow!!! Till the end of the game, but the arrow is made out of Adamantium and will never break, you get 5 shot gun shells thats it..the pistol you get ammo just laying around or off baddies you kill, still a rare find though.
Also when it comes to your resources..remember to LOOK EVERYWHERE, seriously I found a can of soda on the side of window sill of an abandoned building...seriously look everywhere, you never know what you'll find..it could literally save your life.
Another thing that I enjoyed mostly expect when it backfired was the battle mechanic, you have no ammo so you have to psyche people out..surprise them..push them into holes..you just can shoot everyone..you dont get enough bullets for that.
The last big mechanic is the retrys, because I died..a lot. Normal mode make sure you always have at least 3 and you can get more by finding them laying around or doing other tasks, explained below. But if you just seem screwed you can restart the episode your on with ever piece of gear you had on you when you began, that is a nice feature..not penalizing people for screwing up.
To not spoil to much at least in the beginning, is while your going around this city you save a little girl who helps you meet up with some people who will get you out of town..well they lay round and you do all the work. Along the way you can give up your resources to help other survivors out and they will give you "retrys" and one guy will give you a shot gun, but you need to seek some of them other..others will just be in your path.
The game is short at about 7-10 hours depending on how much exploring you do and saving people, you can get all the Trophies/Achievements in 1 Survivor mode run, so the replay value is low, but its good if you need a break from some toehr games, or just want to kill some time one day. But with the low replay value despite it looking really pretty, 15$ I found was kinda costly, so I would wait for a price drop or something..or play it on someone elses system.
Now for some ranting spoilers..please be warned these are MASSIVELY HUGE SPOILERS, they will ruin the game..you have been warned..thank you.
First off, WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS EVENT!! The don't explain it..just that i causes Earth Quakes and massive dust clouds. Was it a Nuke war..did all the twinkies explode..what the fuck was it!!!!
Also seriously what the hell happened to Henry!!! Dude just vanished from his wheel chair at the very end, did he drown.. ride the merry go around, WHAT!!
Also you go through all this climbing and saving people..and doing the hard work..to die!!!! What the hell was thtat all about, and your kids not there what happened to her...
So many un-answered question..I hate games that do this.