Thursday, March 31, 2011

Gamer Girls

I devote this post to the Gamer Girls out there, yes they do exist, and they are awesome. Here is a tiny tidbit on them and links to their blogs, because they are seriously worth the read.

Amy_Geek; Full on geeky girl, cos-player.@amy_geek on Twitter.

The Blonde Nerd: Massive old school hardcore gamer. Pod cast runner. @Britt5091

Kera: Gamer, fellow friends. Follower of here already

Pixie: Geeky girl, gamer, long time friend. Twitter @silverpixiefly

These are just the one's I personally. Anymore want to give a shot out, comment with a link, and I will give a shout out here.


  1. Today I actually had some one be all "All Gears of War players are guys under 25, living with their parents, no job, and have no girlfriend, or if they do they're over Xbox Live, have an Xbox Gold account, and are worshipers of Xbox."

    So I told them.

    I'm under 25, yea. I do live with my parents only for a few months until I go off to college, I have TWO jobs, i don't have Gold on Live cause I'm saving up for school, I have SO many other systems, I used to hate Xbox, cause the first one sucked and broke even though it had good games, AND I have a girlfriend. In real life. And I'm a girl. So suck on that."

  2. A lesbian gamer girl..I am in love.

    Xbox has shitty RPG's which is mostly what I play, and what games are on there that I might like, they came out on the PS3 and are better.

  3. Haha, yup~ my girlfriend has a blog but she hasn't posted. I'll make her do it though. D< I've been trying for a while. She's the Entertainment editor for the school newspaper, so she does have reviews and previews for games and such too. >.> So she just needs to POST.

    Don't have a PS3, so I'm stuck with the 360. I like Xbox Live better than PS3's online because there are so many idiots cause you don't have to pay money on the at least keeps the retards out.

    I play like...shooters on the Xbox. xDDD I hardly play RPGs on it. That's what my PS2 is for |D

  4. I <3 my PS3..i most use it to watch burned anime on by hooking up an external HDD.

    See like you I can't afford XBOX live, so the PSN is awesome, plus I don't online game, I don't play well with others. XD
