Thursday, June 16, 2011

Saving and Destorying New Marais

So I have been busy playing inFamous 2. In under 4 days I beat Good karma side and I am more than half way through Evil Karma side.

This game has everything that everyone improved over the first one, but still kept the same kinda of game play.

Blast Shards are easier to find due to the skill: Blast Sense (best thing ever)
Added even more power and a  easy way to jump between them
Better sound tracks..well not better but the music plays more, and it still hass the bass ambient feel to it.
Plus the controls just flow more fuildly

Also to not spoil to much, you can choose between two branch power styles that you get from team mates, due to good or bad karma..which explains why cole was shooting ice in the trailers/commercials and turned into a flying fire bird thing.

Now me personally I got the Hero edition with the all the extra skins for your self and your amp..don't really care about those. I also got the "Red soundtrack" which is just awesome and matches with the "Blue" Sound Track you can download.
Now the two reasons why I got the Hero edition, and spent 100$ on this game
The 8.5 inch Cole figure:

And the true reason I got this set, the true Cole back pack with Sly Cooper paatch, and yes this bag does work:

Looks bad ass huh!!!

Oh on a tiny SPOILER. not telling you how, but it looks like they are going to make a 3rd one.  I hope I am right because that would be so bad ass!!!

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