Saturday, July 30, 2011

A look at the Love Is over Catherine deluxe box set

So spent the exrta 20$ and got my self the Catherine Love is Over box set. Lets take a look:

When you first get it you are welcomed by some fan service right away off the bat. Grat way to start.

Slide the cover off and what you see is a pizza box from the Stray Sheep, the bar and main hang out in the game.

DO not adjust your set, yes these are pink poka dot boxers. The main character spend the "Nightmare" parts of the game running around in just these while holding onto a pillow. These are size large.

Yes this is a rip off of another franchise..kinda. Anyway this shirt fits into the feel of the game, and one of the main characters "love" intrests can be seen wearing this shirt. Size Large, but fits like an XL retro logo tee you get from target.

In a game that takes place while the main character is asleep and he spends that running around with a pillow, a fan service pillow case is included to hold tight to your self as you dream..or play the game.

Altus is always good about giving away art books and soundtracks, this art book shows some image of the main players and talks a little about how it all happened, and mentions at a new game. You get this wither buying the normal of deluxe set.

Included with the art book is a remix soundtrack, no this is not the OST, this is remixs of classical music by Bach, Mozart, Handel. Fantastic listen.

Oh yah can't forget the

Once again Atlus comes through with a unique wacky yet very sweet box set. Seriously where else can you get a pair of boxers as a pre-order gift!!??!!  My only complaint is that the boxers are a Large and don't fit to well..Other than that, if you were going to buy this game, just spend the extra 20$ and get this set, if you can still find go check Amazon.

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