Thursday, July 21, 2011

A movie based off a game that is based off a movie that is based off a game

This one is more rage inspired due to seeing commercials about the new "Tekken" dvd.

Why is it that HOLLYWOOD desires to make movies based off of video games..or why do gamer developers want to make games based off of movies.  Well to answer the second question, is because most movie based games are all the new Marvel/DC super hero which are aimed towards middle schoolers and younger, yes adults go to them for more like Nostalgia. But little kids..have parents with big open wallets, "MOMMY MOMMY I WANT THE NEW IRON MAN GAME BECAUSE I AM IRON MAN!!!!!". Games becoming movies, I guess they think, "well if the love the game..they will love the movie..? Right >.>  <.<..?", or it was made by some crazed fan who became a director..and thought it would be a good idea.

Now all of these would be a good idea expect they are all horrible, seriously they games based off of movies only have the character and the final boss in common with the movie, the rest is just a normal game, plus it's so rushed..muti-platformed that the game is just a bad game, that ends up quicker in the clearance bargin bin quicker than anything else.

Movie based off of games are the same way..Seriously look at the Street Fight with Jean Claude Van Dam, do I really need to talk about how the plot was horrible in that game and who it stuck almost not at all to the game franchise..? The only reason I watch it is because Raul Julia as a crazy mother fucker is just awesome. I have only seen the commercials for the Tekken movie..but I can almost guarantee that the same is true. Seriously both of these movies would of been better with out the game associated with them.

Expection to this rule would be the Resident Evil series, I haven't played the games but they seem like they are a decent cross over, i know this from people who have talked to me about it and they agree more or less.  But weither it's true or not..I heard the Directors kids actually play the games and tell daddy how to make them better.

Now before people ask and say, "What about the Scott Pilgrim Game!!??!", first off it is pretty close to the movie in a streets of rage style game, but it's based off the Manga but not the movie..

If i wanted to play a game that is a movie..I'll go play Xenosaga or a Metal gear Solid..

What games like movies do you enjoy..?


  1. Silent Hill was a good movie. Not great, but I really enjoyed it. And the Wolverine Origin game is decent from what I hear. Mostly because it was being made before they decided to tie it in with the movie.

    I am surprised you didn't mention the Mario movie ;-)

  2. You know as I was writing this..the Mario movie came to mind..but not Silent Hill or Xmen Origins..The Mario movie was cheesey but it was good in it on way..and kinda went with the game sorta..

    Never played or watched slient hill..and the Xmen game remind me of like God of War but with
