Friday, August 5, 2011

Dragon Age 2 Legacy DLC and Class Equipment Packs

SO I bought the new DA 2 DLC and equipment stuff. So lets go into it some, first the equipment packs.

There are 3 Equipment packs, one for each class, they give a lot of high powered weapons and armor plus some accessories for your team mates.

The Good:
Getting free stuff for your team always fun. Weapons and Accesorites to help them and help you.

The Bad:
All the armor yu get is of course bound to you, now the armor is great but only really good if you are just starting out, if you have beaten the game, more than likely the armor won't help you at all. And it doesn't even sell for much either.

Overall take:
If your starting the game brand new or just trying again as a different class but them all or at least for the class your going to be. There is a price cut if you buy all of them at the same time vs individually. But if your beaten the game and just playing again for more DLC, not worth your cash.

So the Legacy DLC takes place outside of Kirkwall, now where in the story with the Champion does it take place, just from beating it already, it loks like it takes placebefore the nd of the game, since that Seeker Girl is still talking to Varric. Look into it more and get tips for playing here Legacy Wiki

While wandering around you learn some about Varrick, so bring him along. And since the mission is about your Family bring either your brother or sister along, trust me if you do you will get a bronze trophy at the end.

While going along you do some other quests giving you a deeper understanding of what the hell you are doing.

Weapons down there aren't to impressive even more lack luster if you got the Equipment Packs. Expect the quest item called "Hawke's Key" which as you progress you can add 3 different stat mods to it from elemental damage, to draining hp/mp to increasing speed and crit. I say speed and crit because I did it as a Rogue.  There is also a Grey Warden Scout armor set down there, that gives a total set bonus, but I couldn't find a part, its possible the set is better than the "Champion" armor set, but the Champion armor set just looks at cooler in my opinion.

If you miss anything Weapons..Quests..Codex can't go back afterwards since the area kinda collapses..SO be anal when hunting around.

Well it was a good 4 hours spent on it, I just think it was a little over priced at $10, should of been like 7$. But I highly recommend it if you love this game.

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