Wednesday, November 9, 2011's an under the sea party..that I was late to

So I picked up the first Bioshock on STEAM for their Halloween sale, for like 5$. Now for those who have a system newer than a Windows XP system, expect a ton of fucking problems to get it working. Dealing with graphic driver issues, dealing with direct X issues, setting with skipping loading opitions. So after fighting with all of that for like 5 hours..I finally got it all to work.

This is a first person FPS that says it is an RPG, trust me there is no RPG elements in this don't level up, no equips. So I don't know what is going on with the RPG, but trust me it is not there. With the difficultly is just all out of whack, the Easy mode is way to easy and Normal mode is harder than the curve is all off.

 Your going along you pick up lots of different weapons, the most interesting is a cross bow. Along with different types of Ammo: armor pierces, anti personal and cool types of arrows.

Now the big thing is the Plasmids, which basically give you magical powers: throwing lighting, setting things on fire, make clones--stuff like that.  You also pick on passive tonics that make your skills for combat, health and hacking amoung many other things better. Now to MOD your self, you need Adam which you get from these little Zombie Girl called Little Sisters, who are guarded by Big Daddies those big robots with fish bowl heads and drills.

Now hacking, you can hack security camera, flying security bots so they work for your side. But how do you hack, remember that plumbing game from Windows 95, yah it's that but even worse. So the can get maddening even more so towards the end when the water flowing just blasts along and then you get shocked or you get security bots attacking you.

So you are this poor bastard who is in a plane crash, and you end up in this futuristic 1960 world that has all gone to hell, and it is your mission to save the remaining people in this city. And then it turns out that you were under some kind of mind control, seriously it was all a thinly vied plot.

Was the game good, yes. It is a very pretty game that might scare you if you spooky easily. But it was worth the money I spent on it, even though I beat it in two days. It was a good play, but I have heard that the 2nd game kinda sucked a lot, but if it goes on 5$ sale I might pick it up.

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