Friday, November 11, 2011

Life of a Dual Blader in Fereleden part 3, wandering around in a big hole

So back to Orzammar I go, along the way I break Alistar's heart because he was like,"oh your cute" and yah I shot him down to stay with my bard Leliana, so anyway back under ground I go. I switched out Alistar for Shale this time, because mostly of flavor text and being able to find quests later.

So Orzammer is kinda hue and unlike Denerim, which has a jump map to get around, I just get to run around with the Dwarfs, picking up different types of side quests and picking sides in the great dwarf power play between some guy named Harrowmont and Bhelen Aeducan, well I did some looking into  since it had been a while since I played as another character race/background. Bhelen Aeducan is your brother is you Choose the Noble Dwarf starting set up, so I wa slike FUCK THAT CUY and picked Harrowmont right away.

Now after  going through some fighting tourny and running around under ground defeating some mob boss still cartel to make Harrowmont look better, then I was told to go find this Paragon Branka in the Deep Road..fuck me I hate wandering around in the Deep Roads not as bad as the Circle of Magi but still as bad. Mostly because it is FUCKING HUGE!!and I got lost ones or twice.

So this time in the Deep Road everyone had gone crazy, one of the guys I had to find for a quest had gone crazy and not wanted to go back and see his mother. Then I ran into the remains of the Paragon, who was I to find, had gone crazy!! Like chanting poems crazy, one had turned into a "BroodMother" which just pops out dark spawn..big blob tentacle thing.

Then I ran into Caradin who created the Anvil of the Void, and the Paragon Branka who had also gone crazy while looking for the void. Well Branka sent all of her family and solders to die, so yah Caradin was who I I sided with, so I killed crazy Branka. Afterwards I went back to Orzammar and gave this super golden crown to Harrowmont, and then with a lot of joy in my heart I killed Bhelen.

After leaving Orzammar, I went off to Red liff and talked to the Arl, to begin the Landsmeet..

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