Thursday, October 20, 2011

Arkahm City, 2nd day..swining to the end

SO yes I beat the "Main Story" of Arkham City in 2 days, and the ending was so dramatic and awesome I couldn't put it into words.  I have only done about 50% of the whole game, not counting all the challenge map.

Despite a glorious ending, the final battle was kinda anti climatic, the final battle of the first game was so much harder

The final Cat Woman mission happens post game, and while you are going along that mission, Batman swings in and now there are 3 points along the map that allows you to switch characters, and you have free roaming to complete any missions are sides quests or anything Riddler related that you haven't gotten yet. Which is pretty cool.

There is a New game plus mode, where all of your upgrades carry over, enemies are harder and the "counter" marker vanishes, so yes it would be a totally harder game, since the counter mark saved my butt more than one time, I might give it a shot, I'm not sure yet.

My biggest complaint with this game is the same with the previous game, and a complaint of a lot of games coming out..Is the lengh of time it takes to beat it, because not everyone wants to spend hours and hours on challenge maps.  I mean, yes did I play this more or less non stop, yes but still I couldn't of beaten this in 2 days..there was so much more that could of been done with this game to easily add 10+ hours to this game without seeming like it is to long or drawn out.

So hopefully there is a 3rd game, but lets hope RockSteady games makes the 3rd one longer. But still this was worth the 45$ that I spent n it.


  1. We just saw Robin for the first time last night.

  2. I like the Tenn Robin.."Red Robin" doesn't do it for me..and robin in the green tights is just creepy..I wish he had his own story mode.
