Friday, October 7, 2011

Men are failing at life because of video games, a look at a CNN article

First off thanks to Destructoid for the picture.

I first read about this Article here on Destructiod: CNN story to Men: 'Get off the video games' and 'man up' from the Twitter of The Blonde Nerd...the articale that started all of this came from CNN here: Why men are in trouble..?

Basically the jist of this article is hat mean are falling behind in women at college degree rates, and earnings. Also a decline in, "founding values" of work, marriage, and religion. And this is all due to men sitting around and playing video games..This article goes onto to talk about ladys says, "we are all the single guys at"..and so forth, so before I boil over in a rage filled stupidity, le me go into this..

First of "we are all the single guys at", what people fail to understand is gamers seek out gamers, just like jocks seek out jocks, and doctors seek out doctors..You see out those who you have a common intrest in..duh...A gamer guy is not going to seek out a woman who doesn't play games at all and vice verse..since the non-gamer will never understand of why anyone can sit and play the same game for 10 hours in a row..but if you are a single gamer, go to a Anime/Gaming/SciFi convention..and you will find some other single gamers to hit it off with, or you can ask me..-didn't admit he was single..-..-well maybe..-

Moving on, and I am going to use a friend of mine as a case study without tell him till after I write this, but we will understand and chuckle I talked about him. Onto the "founding values" part of this counter rant,  My friend and Ex-Coworker Cory welch (link might work..dunno)..anyway he is a fellow gamer who I used to work with, our friendship was built upon that he is a gamer and our unique sense of humor, right now he is following his dream of being an Musical Performer, he is also very religious a total God Head, and he just purposed to his soon to be wife..all of this as he tells me that he plays Secret of Mana on his iPhone..So seriously what is going wrong here..he has all his values  and is still and avid gamer..this maybe be just one person, but still it shows flaws in this guys logic..

So trust me it isn't video games that are leading to the down fall of men, it's just men being idiots..and to quote something I heard in highschool, 'Women wll always be better than men..because they have tits".  Also let me close by saying gamers no matter what the gender are way more awesome and attractive than those who aren't..

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