Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Double Dose of Demo Dipping Delights

So today we take a look at two different demo's that have come out recently. First off is From Dust  which is on Steam and PSN (Maybe Xbox, I don't know) and the PSN exclusive Eufloria.

From Dust is a God Game in the sense thatr you help tiny little villagers thrive and survive, but it's not your typical god game like The Sims, or playing Civilization..in this all you do is move the lands around to help the villagers make more bridges and help them complete trails so their villages aren't destroyed, the problem is with all god games, the little villagers are spazzy and can't do anything on their own. So I got through the first 2 mission okay, but the 3rd had a time limit or a Tidal wave will come, well I failed and my village got wiped out twice by the tidal wave.  God like puzzle games with a time limit, yah very much not my thing, so i didn't try a 3rd time to watch my village get destroyed. SO I turned the demo off and tried the 2nd demo of today.

Eufloria, you plan little seeds on asteroids to expand your tiny plant like empire. Move the seeds along to build trees, to make more seeds. to make more trees to get more planets.  As you play along you run into rival little seed empires guys and have to fight for control of their planets, to further expand your empire. Yes this right tiny little seed war fare, now each planet has stats of Strength/Speed/Energy, which probably come more into play later, but in the beginning I personally didn't worry about hat, I just stock piled my little seed guys then bum rushed the enemy planet next to me.  The whole time this is going one their is some ambient music going on in the back ground, so the whole war like experience is kinda tranquil and zen like. The controls take a lot of getting used to, but there are button guides on the screen to help with that, the rest is just moving from planet to planet and zooming in controls to see what is going on..Get passed that and the game will be a ton of fun. I recommend this totally.

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