So lately, I've been noticing that old PSX games that I have on disks are on the PSN. The Final Fantasies, Secret of Mana, Harvest Moon, plus other games that I never got time to play. So I went on Amazon and bought my self a PSX-PS3 memory card moving thing, and got all of my data from my old school gomes onto my PS3, soon I am going to start downing digital copy's of my games, since my disks sometimes don't want to play.
The prices are very reasonable: 6$-10$ for each PSX game, the memory moving thing was over priced since you only use it once, but it was a worth while investment, just need to make it past X-mas to see if I get an giftcards and to recover my funds.
Any PS1 game recommends..?
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Thursday, December 1, 2011's Fallout with swords
So finally after what seemed like an eternity of people asking me to play it, questioning me why i wasn't playing it, and questioning my sanity on why I didn't want to play it, I borrowed my brother copy of Skyrim and set out to play.
My character is a dual wielding Imperial, because blocking is stupid, I love dual wielding, and Imperials make it rain coins, but seriously it is easy to get rich in this game. considering how much random shit you can sell that you won't need.
So which side to go with, the Imperials or the Rebels..wait am I in Star Wars now..? Bad guys wearing red..good guys wearing blue..weren't those the light saber colors for good and evil in Star Wars..? Well since I am Sith for life, I went with the Imperials, killed so bitches, swiped some loot, dodged a dragon. I got out of the cave, and found some bandits, which all died..easily, got some more loot and began to sell stuff and accept some quests.
The only major quest I finished was the Golden Claw quest, where I killed some more people, got some more awesome loot, and made my self super rich and began outfitting my self to kick total ass. After the Golden claw I found my self fighting another set of bandits, when I got to there leader, he of course kicked my ass the first time..Then I realized that if I back up, he switches to bow and arrow..rush in and attack..lather and he went down easy..A little to easy, anyway onto the next town where I learned more about Smithing and the like..then I turned the game off, mostly because I wanted to play more Mass Effect.
Well I have never played other Elder Scroll games, but I have played Fall Out New Vegas and seriously they are so much alike, hence the titles..In my opinion..But Did I enjoy this game, yes I did..but not 60$ worth of enjoyment, more like 20-30$ of enjoyment, come back to me when it is that cheap.
Voltron, the game
So there is a Voltron game out now. The game is your standard one control stick to move ad the other is to fire at tons of enemies. So nothing really original in that way.
But where my inner kid jumps for joy, is that when you start the game it plays the intro from the show!! And when you pause the announcer says, "voltron will be right back"..then un-pause and he says,"now bck to voltron". Also at the start of mission it plays clips from the show.
So this was a truly great fun down memory way, not sure if i will pick up the full version..
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Life of a Rogue Champion in training, part 1 runing,swimming and digging
So I leave the Warden behind, I do not have the patience of dealing with origins combat system to deal with Awakening and Witch Hunt DLC, plus out of the 20 or so points that get transferred over when a import is done i did like 14 of them, so I am fine not doing the rest. So no we go back in time some, to when the Blight was destroying the town of Lothering. This time I am trying to Platinum the game, so I will be making choices I am not used to, and being very very detailed to make sure I find all the tiny miss able crap, then having 2 save files for the 3rd act, one for the trophy..then using both or maybe carry onto Dragon Age 2. This time I think it will b easier given all the DLC item packs I have so I am way buffe rat the beginning and I can save money making everything easier.
Now I love the Rogue in 2 over Origins, they are fater and back stab is a skill and not circling around the a=target, plus you can crit with out being behind them, there is alos the wonder of not having to level up your dual weapon skills, you just learn dual wield and thats it you rock at it. I also enjoy the mages in 2, and dislike warrior across the board, but since I like to dis arm crazy speed, I am going to be a rogue. And since I like looking hot while I am saving the city and killing everything that moves, I go with a female Hawke, but the standard like 2nd preset, damn those blue eyes. Plus I choose Rogue because I know which sibling will die..and I fucking hate Carver..I smile everytime the Ogre crushes his spine.
Anyway, I meet up with Aveline and then Flemeth before The Warden killed her, and was sent along my way to Kirkwall, and this is when it starts all going to hell, since my Uncle Douchebag had spent all of our money, so I ally up with some shady characters and get into Kirkwall, while I am slaving away, the Warden saves the world from the blight. Now a tear later..
I run into Varric, and sign up for some crazy mission to go back to the Deep Roads, I despise the Deep Roads the only thing more is the fucking Fade..Now on the quest to get money to g to the Deep Roads to find more money. Along the way I meet a crazy set of friends, since I choose to go with speed and control in my team, my team ended up being Me--Varric---Merrill(favoring thunder magic)-Isabela. Getting money wasn't to hard..and I choose to not take Bethany into the Deep Roads, so she didn't become a Grey Warden..But I did take Anders into the Deep Roads, because the boss there is kinda hard, but I didn't need his help this time...It was easy and I kicked the guys my riches and lfeft the deep roads..
Next time, Life of a Rogue Champion in training, living the high life
Sunday, November 20, 2011
From Feredeln to Kirkwall
So now that I have stopped the Blight, saved the land of Fereleden, had hot lesbian sex with a red headed bard, what am I going to do now..? Write about I become the Champion of Kirkwall, with a complete import save, and how I finally Platinum Dragon Age 2.
Seriously my own complaints with Dragon Age Origins are the combat and the skill build systems, Dragon age 2 did those perfectly, if you take 2's combat and skill system and put them into origins game, it would literally be the perfect game.
So stay tuned for a Life of a Rogue to be Champion in Kirkwall..that title will change.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Life of a Dual Blader in Fereleden part 4, pushing to the end
Now that I am out of Orzammer and at the Landsmeet. SO Now I need to get people on my side to take down Loghain and choose who is really going to rule Fereleden, and oh yah beat the Arch Demon aka Big Fucking Dragon.
But before I can do that, I went to do Morrigans special quest and kill Flemeth, I switched out Morrigan for Shayle as a tank, then set to work. Well after getting my ass half handed to me, I took Flemeth out, she wasn't as harder as the other High Dragon that I fought, but we know that wasn't the true end of Flemeth.
So I am told that I need to rush to the Arl of Denerim's estate to save Anora aka Loghains Daughter, so I can get her help to win the Landsmeet, or even make her Queen of all the land. While inside the Estate I find prisoners who are some how related to important Senator type people, so that can help get people on my side. Also while in the Estate I run into Arl Howe..the bastard who killed my parents and screwed everything all to hell, so of course I enjoied stabbing him in the heart and setting Anora free. While trying to leave I was caught along with Alistar and thrown into a huge Fort.
Now Leliana and Morrigan lied..bluffed and distracted them selves in to save me and Alistar, then we re arm and fight our way out kinda killing everyone as we do, and back to the Estate. Where we learn of shit going down in the Elven Alienage to find the unrest there.
In the Alienage, I quickly learned it was a total scam from the Tevinter Imperium trying to cure some plague, and it was just about a elven slave trade, so of course I broke that up, and found proof that Loghain was involved in the whole thing, there was also something about an orphanage that was consumed by a rage demon sadly a semi bad ass blind Templar had to die so I could finish that run. Again full of Ammo we go to the landsmeet.
At the Landsmeet I bardged in and was confronted by Loghain, were the whole decision was to be settled on a duel to the finish, f course I choose my self over my friends, after quickly Loghain was easily defeated..Now do I spare him, turn him into a Grey Warden, or just kill the fuck. Well this guy had done everything to try and take me out, and screwed up the whole death awaited him but I let Alistar kill him given that Loghain killed Alistars father, well now I couldn't get Anora on my side as Queen of the whole kindgom, well fuck her she is crazy anyway, so Alistar is now king. Now we march to RedCliff to rally the troops and smash the Blight.
Now during the night a fellow Grey Warden tells us that only a Warden and kill the Arch Demon since the evil of the ArchDemon jumps to the closest thing with Darkspawn blood and then kills it and it's self. Hence why the Warden, so Morrigan purposed an idea so no one had to die, one of the Warden have sex with her to create a baby with darkspawn blood taint, then the Arch Demons mojo will jump to the baby, so I convinced Alistar to sleep with Morrigan and make this baby, WooHoo everyone lives. Now to the final battle!!
Back to Denerim, I choose my team to help me..and to defend the gate, said my goodbyes and ran around Denerim saving people and killing Dark Spawn generals to make my life easier in the final battle. When I reach the Arch Demon, the battle was seriously easy, like I am not joking!!! The damn Circle Of Mage in the Fade shit was harder than the final battle!!! With a final kick ass cut scene the Arch Demon was dead, I wasn't and peace is saved to Fereleden. I said I would go travelng the n probably rebuild the Wardens.
Now Did I play Awakening or Mage hunt..Now I couldn't deal with Origins battle system for 20+ more hours, but I had a completed import file to take to Dragon Age 2, stay tuned for the Life of a Rogue to be Champion in kirkwall!!!
Friday, November 11, 2011
Life of a Dual Blader in Fereleden part 3, wandering around in a big hole
So back to Orzammar I go, along the way I break Alistar's heart because he was like,"oh your cute" and yah I shot him down to stay with my bard Leliana, so anyway back under ground I go. I switched out Alistar for Shale this time, because mostly of flavor text and being able to find quests later.
So Orzammer is kinda hue and unlike Denerim, which has a jump map to get around, I just get to run around with the Dwarfs, picking up different types of side quests and picking sides in the great dwarf power play between some guy named Harrowmont and Bhelen Aeducan, well I did some looking into since it had been a while since I played as another character race/background. Bhelen Aeducan is your brother is you Choose the Noble Dwarf starting set up, so I wa slike FUCK THAT CUY and picked Harrowmont right away.
Now after going through some fighting tourny and running around under ground defeating some mob boss still cartel to make Harrowmont look better, then I was told to go find this Paragon Branka in the Deep Road..fuck me I hate wandering around in the Deep Roads not as bad as the Circle of Magi but still as bad. Mostly because it is FUCKING HUGE!!and I got lost ones or twice.
So this time in the Deep Road everyone had gone crazy, one of the guys I had to find for a quest had gone crazy and not wanted to go back and see his mother. Then I ran into the remains of the Paragon, who was I to find, had gone crazy!! Like chanting poems crazy, one had turned into a "BroodMother" which just pops out dark spawn..big blob tentacle thing.
Then I ran into Caradin who created the Anvil of the Void, and the Paragon Branka who had also gone crazy while looking for the void. Well Branka sent all of her family and solders to die, so yah Caradin was who I I sided with, so I killed crazy Branka. Afterwards I went back to Orzammar and gave this super golden crown to Harrowmont, and then with a lot of joy in my heart I killed Bhelen.
After leaving Orzammar, I went off to Red liff and talked to the Arl, to begin the Landsmeet..
So Orzammer is kinda hue and unlike Denerim, which has a jump map to get around, I just get to run around with the Dwarfs, picking up different types of side quests and picking sides in the great dwarf power play between some guy named Harrowmont and Bhelen Aeducan, well I did some looking into since it had been a while since I played as another character race/background. Bhelen Aeducan is your brother is you Choose the Noble Dwarf starting set up, so I wa slike FUCK THAT CUY and picked Harrowmont right away.
Now after going through some fighting tourny and running around under ground defeating some mob boss still cartel to make Harrowmont look better, then I was told to go find this Paragon Branka in the Deep Road..fuck me I hate wandering around in the Deep Roads not as bad as the Circle of Magi but still as bad. Mostly because it is FUCKING HUGE!!and I got lost ones or twice.
So this time in the Deep Road everyone had gone crazy, one of the guys I had to find for a quest had gone crazy and not wanted to go back and see his mother. Then I ran into the remains of the Paragon, who was I to find, had gone crazy!! Like chanting poems crazy, one had turned into a "BroodMother" which just pops out dark spawn..big blob tentacle thing.
Then I ran into Caradin who created the Anvil of the Void, and the Paragon Branka who had also gone crazy while looking for the void. Well Branka sent all of her family and solders to die, so yah Caradin was who I I sided with, so I killed crazy Branka. Afterwards I went back to Orzammar and gave this super golden crown to Harrowmont, and then with a lot of joy in my heart I killed Bhelen.
After leaving Orzammar, I went off to Red liff and talked to the Arl, to begin the Landsmeet..
Wednesday, November 9, 2011's an under the sea party..that I was late to
So I picked up the first Bioshock on STEAM for their Halloween sale, for like 5$. Now for those who have a system newer than a Windows XP system, expect a ton of fucking problems to get it working. Dealing with graphic driver issues, dealing with direct X issues, setting with skipping loading opitions. So after fighting with all of that for like 5 hours..I finally got it all to work.
This is a first person FPS that says it is an RPG, trust me there is no RPG elements in this don't level up, no equips. So I don't know what is going on with the RPG, but trust me it is not there. With the difficultly is just all out of whack, the Easy mode is way to easy and Normal mode is harder than the curve is all off.
Your going along you pick up lots of different weapons, the most interesting is a cross bow. Along with different types of Ammo: armor pierces, anti personal and cool types of arrows.
Now the big thing is the Plasmids, which basically give you magical powers: throwing lighting, setting things on fire, make clones--stuff like that. You also pick on passive tonics that make your skills for combat, health and hacking amoung many other things better. Now to MOD your self, you need Adam which you get from these little Zombie Girl called Little Sisters, who are guarded by Big Daddies those big robots with fish bowl heads and drills.
Now hacking, you can hack security camera, flying security bots so they work for your side. But how do you hack, remember that plumbing game from Windows 95, yah it's that but even worse. So the can get maddening even more so towards the end when the water flowing just blasts along and then you get shocked or you get security bots attacking you.
So you are this poor bastard who is in a plane crash, and you end up in this futuristic 1960 world that has all gone to hell, and it is your mission to save the remaining people in this city. And then it turns out that you were under some kind of mind control, seriously it was all a thinly vied plot.
Was the game good, yes. It is a very pretty game that might scare you if you spooky easily. But it was worth the money I spent on it, even though I beat it in two days. It was a good play, but I have heard that the 2nd game kinda sucked a lot, but if it goes on 5$ sale I might pick it up.
Sonic Generations Demo #2
So I played the 2nd demo for this game, this time it was modern Sonic running through green hill zone.
I seem to be one of the few not impressed by this game, seriously my favorite Sonic was Battle 2. I see no reason why Sega needed to break temporal law to bring these two version together.
Green Hill Zone played my Modern Sonic was just rushing by to fast, the scenery was beatiful, but I couldn't enjoy it since I was blasting ahead at top speed, so fast that I was missing jumps and turns and coins.
Once again we have anotjher attempt for Sega to try something new, and in my opinion it is just failing to meet the mark, Sonic games have gone down hill since Battle 2.
Anyway I love demos of games, they save me the money of having to actually by the real game.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
The life of a Dual-Wielding Warriorr in Ferelden , Part 2 maybe
So when we last left Elissa, I had just killed the son of the Arl of Red Cliff, but I still had to save Him, so I was off to find the Urn of Scared Ashes, aka the ashes of Andraste. So off to Denerim I go to find this Genitivi guy, which lead me to the other side of the Ferelden map to a city called Haven.
So Haven seemed all sort of shady dealings going on, they told me there was nothing to see there, just to trade for goods and to get out, so at the store I wanted to go to the back room because well I am the Hero of this story and I can do that, but of course the Store runner guy tried to stop me then I had to kill him, went to the back and saw a knight from Red Cliff castle dead, and had one of those, "Oh fuck, it's all going to go to hell how" moments..Which is did as I was attacked by the entire city of Haven since they were crazy cult followers..
SO off into the mountains I go, killing more cultists along the way..a long the way I run into Dragons/Drakes..dragons with wings..easily dispatched. As I am wandering the caves, I run into this cult leader who tells me Andraste is reborn and is a Dragon, who then tells me I can drop dragons blood into the Urn and everything will be cool, also if I do this I can earn the 'Reaver" specialization.
But I knew that with my party of Aliaster, Morrigan, and Leliana..screwing with Andraste would be a very bad idea, so before doing this I did some research and saw I I could buy the manuals for learning the Reaver specialization in Dragon Age Awakening, and once learned i Will always have it, so i played Awakening for like 2 hours, got the manual for that and blood magic, and by random learned Champion from my starting team mate in Awakening, which I would of gotten anyway from the Arl, when he was revived..but anyway so of course I choose not to fuck with the Urn and killed the main Cult leader.
When I leave the maze of caves, I see a High Dragon..big fucking Dragon which I know I have to defeat to move on..I could do it later or right away..So I choose right away and once again with not to much trouble the dragon is dead. Now into the final chamber which is full of riddles, which I cheated on since I am never good at those, and a moving tile making the bridge block puzzle. Then got naked..walked through some fire and got the ashes.
Back at Red Cliff I tell the kid I killed is son..sentence the Blood Mage that caused all of it to death, mostly by accident, those choices need better explanation some times, now it was off to Orzammer, but once again did some more research and realized that my companian Shale would do really good in Oezammer so I think I am going to do an about face and go get my Golem friend..
Stay tuned for more of Elissa adventures..
Sunday, October 30, 2011
The life of a Dual-Wielding Warriorr in Ferelden , Part 1-ish
So I have tired again and again to play and beat Dragon Age Origins, usually I get pissed off at dieing so much or just fighting through the Fade during the magic circle save quest, or something cooler comes along and I put it down. But I have no set my self to at least beating the Main Story, if I don't do any of the playable DLC I can at least say I did that. I had tired many classes and builds but they didn't work, so this time I made a dual blader warrior

This is my dual blading warrior, Elissa. Yes I know the picture so a sword and shield but trust me she is dual wielding. She is a Human Warrior Noble. Now currently at lvl 13 and specializations is a Berserker. This time instead of being a goodie goodie, I have decided to go the way I usually do with more open RPG, and play Chaotic Netural and Chaotic Good is closer to me this time. I'll save the world but I'll do it my way as I will explain. Current Team is Alistar(using 1H sword and shield), Morrigan(Ice, Lighting, Heal) and Leliana(As an Archer)
I have played through all of the "short" playable DLC and have many higher grade weapons and armors So I just needed to levl up to be able to use them
So after I became a Gray Warden, I set out on my way leaving Lothering and heading this time for the battle at Ostagar because I knew I could find all of King Calins weapons and armor there, along with Duncans sword and dagger, plus pick up some exp and gold along the way, Duncan equipment make a perfect set for a Dual Blader starting out before the class is mastered and one can dual wield two full sized swords, and Calins armor is good either full on or pieced on different characters.
So I left Ostagar and headed west to the Brecilian Forest to meet with the Dalish Elves. They needed help fighting off some WereWolves, trapseing around thw forst was just simply annoying, of course I died some time mostly fooling with things I should of been fooling with. In the end I sided with the Elves, and now I have them on my side for the final battle.
Off to the Circle Of Magi I go now, this quest I have done a lot and dread doing mostly because I hate the Fade, and always die there. So this time I have had enough and decided to side with the Templar this time around. As I went up the Circle Tower I was joined by Wynn, the problem is that I didn't know you could kill the mages, side with the Templar and have Wynn still in your party, so I had to kill her, which sucked since I found out many hours later and I didn't want to replay anything, so I just will make Morrigan a Healer and move on.
After the Mages circle i went around doing various side quests gaining money, exp. During the Camp I went after Leliana, which I always do, it's that accent it just get's me every time, plus lesbian cgi fun, all the way, yes I know I am pervy and lame..but seriously who has done Lesbian and Gay romance in Bioware games..?
Now while I was looking at the Dual Blader guide I follow, Dual-Wielding Warrior Guide. I looked ahead at what kind of specializations I wanted, well I already choose A Beserker, and I noiced what had to be done to get the other 2, mostly getting a Reaver. Which would involve pissing off a lot of my team, but I saw I could buy them under the "Awakening " DLC, so I played through that after Importing my character, bought the manuals, and I am all set ready to go, no I have access to reaver and Champion when I didn't before.
Once I was done with side questing, I went to Redcliff to help out the city with their problem, then off to Castle of Redcliff to try and save the Arl. When I again was told it was his Kid causing all the trouble in the city. Well I could of used Blood Magic to send Morrigan in, which combat with solo mage sucks so hard in this game compared to Dragon Age 2, use the Circle of Magi for help, which I couldn't do since I crushed them..or kill the child. Well of course I killed the child, just seemed the easier way and remember Chaotica Netural/ the world by crazy way.
Anyway I am off to get the Urn of Sacred Ashes to save the Arl of RedCliff..
Gaming To Do List
Here is my own Personal Gaming To Do List
1. Finally beat Dragon Age Origins the main story
2. Platinum Dragon Age 2
3. Platinum Mass Effect 2
4. Actually play the 3rd Birthday
5. Pre-Order Mass Effect 3 premium edition
Not that much, but it is a ton! Need to get working.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Escapeing Arkham City, where to now..?
So I have escaped from Arkham City for now, but where do I escape to..? To the Blighted land of Ferelden, because I actually should beat Dragon Age Orgiins, so I can have atrue experience in Dragon Age 2, and so when Dragon Age 3 comes around some time soon.
So this is like my 7th time trying this game, every time I stop it is because of the combat system isn't as good as Dragon Age 2, which a lot of people believe to be true, anyway I had restarted a little while ago then inFamous2 and a bunch of other games came along but now since I am just killing time till Mass Effect 3 comes out, I am going back and trying to finish games I have not played before.
This time I am running the game as a Dual Wielding Warrior, which seems to be the easiest class to play for my kind of play style, which is just rush in and over power the enemy with power and speed. I am also trophy hunting as well for trophies I hadn't reached before, mostly the other side of who to join you choices, which I had only done the mage circle before, so this time I had the Templar join me, sadly I had to kill Wynn, but I can play with Morrigan to get some of the healing skills. Anyway back to playing
I'll be writing more on my journey in Ferelden later on. Stay tuned.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Arkham City, the next game...MASSIVE SPOILERS
So I found this video with a collection of Easter Egg things that point towards their being a 3 Batman Arkham-ish game. Be warned when you watch this, this is some spoiler heavy stuff.
Next we have this Easter egg on one of the ships and cleary we can see 'Crane" which is the real name of the Scare Crow, and a pass word that reads, "City of terror"
So more on the Scare Crow:
This all seems like to me that there is going to be a 3rd Game, and that the Scare Crow is going to come back with a vengeance. Man I am so excited!!
Next we have this Easter egg on one of the ships and cleary we can see 'Crane" which is the real name of the Scare Crow, and a pass word that reads, "City of terror"
So more on the Scare Crow:
This all seems like to me that there is going to be a 3rd Game, and that the Scare Crow is going to come back with a vengeance. Man I am so excited!!
Arkham City, Alternate Ending..possible spoilers
So I learned today that there is an Alternate ending to Arkham City, and the choice happens while you are doing the 3rd CatWoman Mission, after you break into the fault, your given a choice to go Right or Left after seeing Batman on a TV.
If you go Left, thats where Cat Woman saves Batman and the game continues as Normal.
If you go right, Cat Woman leaves Arkham, goes back to Gotham and everything goes to hell. During the credits, you can hear Oracle screaming into a fuzzy walkie talker saying how everyone is dead, how the joker has won. And it ends with her calling for help. Watch the whole thing down below
I know it's a fucked up ending but I like what was done here, considering if you play the story Cat Woman saves Batman's ass and all.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Arkahm City, 2nd day..swining to the end
SO yes I beat the "Main Story" of Arkham City in 2 days, and the ending was so dramatic and awesome I couldn't put it into words. I have only done about 50% of the whole game, not counting all the challenge map.
Despite a glorious ending, the final battle was kinda anti climatic, the final battle of the first game was so much harder
The final Cat Woman mission happens post game, and while you are going along that mission, Batman swings in and now there are 3 points along the map that allows you to switch characters, and you have free roaming to complete any missions are sides quests or anything Riddler related that you haven't gotten yet. Which is pretty cool.
There is a New game plus mode, where all of your upgrades carry over, enemies are harder and the "counter" marker vanishes, so yes it would be a totally harder game, since the counter mark saved my butt more than one time, I might give it a shot, I'm not sure yet.
My biggest complaint with this game is the same with the previous game, and a complaint of a lot of games coming out..Is the lengh of time it takes to beat it, because not everyone wants to spend hours and hours on challenge maps. I mean, yes did I play this more or less non stop, yes but still I couldn't of beaten this in 2 days..there was so much more that could of been done with this game to easily add 10+ hours to this game without seeming like it is to long or drawn out.
So hopefully there is a 3rd game, but lets hope RockSteady games makes the 3rd one longer. But still this was worth the 45$ that I spent n it.
Dungeon Defenders RPG + Tower defense
Dungeon Defenders is a strange fusion of RPG elements with all the craziness that is tower defense games, now I only played the demo so I expect some of this to be different in the full version. Strangest thing is when I turned it on, PSN move instructions came up, after trying the demo..move controls would be horrible in this game.
In the Demo there are 2 classes: a mage and a warrior, in the full you also get a monk and a archer. Each class has a basic attack and it's on class specific attack. As you fight, you can level up and add poiints to your health, speed,attack power and so on, also you can get equipment that ups your stats and pets as well, which I know of DLC for PSN+ members that have special pets for you.
Combat in this game is straight forward if not complicated. You have to guard this huge crystal, so you get up defenses to help you do it, you hit a button select a defense, select the angle and build does take a second or two to get used to the controls, now you need mana to do it which you'll get from dead enemies or in chests. After you set your defenses you then start the wave sand you run around attacking everything to support your own defenses.
My biggest problem with this game it despite having a "local" mode..if you are playing this by your self expect to get frustrated..die. Because you will frantically running around attacking everything since you can't place enough defenses to help you out. Now online mode might be different for full players, but there was only one room and it was filled by people um..not playing the game. SO I just left the room and turned the game off.
I can see where this game was going..and if you have some friends over or find a online room not filled with morons, this game could be tons of crazy insane fun..but buy your self..try the demo and you'll realize you should save your money.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Arkham City after one day playing impression
So yesterday I got my copy of Arkham City from Bestbuy, why did I go there..? I had a 15$ credit and it allowed me to play as Robin early before everyone else. First thing I will say is, yes I have heard you can't play as CatWoman if you by the game used, but you can it will just be 9.99$ on your XBL or PSN, so stop whining. Secondly I will try to be as spoiler free as possible. Funny thing is there is no real instructions(not surprised) but there is code for a Beta Key to some Batman MMO and where you can by Arkham City Swag.
So Arkham City is of course the sequel to Arkham Aylsum, this time the game is more open world sandbox-ish, which as Batman, I had a lot more fun with, rope grapple around is so much more fun while staring at the very very well painted backgrounds. Plus it makes it easier to find a spot and hang baddies upside down.
Cat Woman is here as well having her own story line, but it fits into the main story line because Batman will have times where he get really really knoicked out and thats when you play as CatWoman, will their stories converge, I would like to hop so, tag team boss battleing sounds very awesome, anyway back to the Bat. She also comes with 2 other outfits: Catwoman from the Animated Series and "Halloween CatWoman" which like some purple elf thing gone wrong/ Also as a side note seriously, massive fan service with here with her...
Now my copy came with early access to Robin, you can get robin as a kid or as an adult., now this is the 2nd Robin aka Tim Drake, I will spoil that you can play as Nightwing some time later, since he has his own trophies. But you can only play as Robin in the challenge maps, which is fun and all but I was disappointed I would of liked to actually play as kick ass looking Adult Robin for his own real missions
The creators have made it so you don't have to be in "Detective Mode" the whole game, and enjoy the scenery, but trust me you will be in the mode a-lot, I don't remember if this was in the first game, and if it was excuse me, it's been a while, but now the mode has other features- You can ayanlize crime scenes for clues to help with side quests(more on those in a second), and there is a feature now where you can GPS tag the location of Ridder trophies, which is so very usefull because well getting into all of his antics in a second as well.
Combat is the same as before, I didn't see a lot of things changed, which is perfect since the previous combat system was almost flawless, countering does seem a little bit easier, but that might just be me. I like the addition of smoke pellets to help when you are getting shot to hell.
Now there are side quests, and a lot of them which will take you all over the City swinging around: saving people, blowing up stuff, and answering phones-yes I know that last one is strange but just trust me on it. It is easy to get distracted from the main story while doing all of these, but it's very simple to get on track because unless you specifically go looking for them, they will just appear as your going from one main point to another main point, and your map allows you to set the quest starting area as a way point if you ever get lost.
Now we go to the Riddler, and he is back. I guess someone thought we had it to easy in Aylsum, since this time there are over 400 Riddler Trophy's, challenges and Riddles to answer. Some of the trophy's are very easy, just out in the open, or behind a breakable way. Other require you to do puzzle that will drive you MAD, so I don't see my self finishing all of them. There are also riddles that you can figure out as you transverse along, once again some easy some hard. Some of the challenges are like fly this distance, or do this in combat, there is also cameras all around the city, you get trophys for blowing those up as well. Also Catwoman has her own set of trophies. The most annoying thing is the Riddler has thugs working in the other gangs and they will show you locations of clues and trohpies, but you have to not knock them out when fighting a group of people, this has lead to me getting my ass kicked more than once. This wouldn't be a problem expect a lot of all the cool collectibles are based on collecting the Riddlers stuff, but I am not a huge collection whore so it is okay.
They also added an EXP and upgrade system, you just get EXP by finishing mission, finding collectibles and comboing really good in fights, you use the EXP to power up your gadgets, moves and your suit also powering up your Feline friend. Trust me you won't need to grind for EXP, but I do recommend using your level up points on the armor upgrades.
Collectibles are 3D character model trophies, story's about how people got to where they are, also concept art, actually it's just those but there are a-lot of them..
I will be writing more as I continue since I am only about 50-60% through the main story line, but don't be left behind and grab this now.
Press2Reset, podcast of informative crazyness
(thanks to their Facebook page for the kick ass image)
So while on Twitter I was following one of my friends @PeachyAenne and she was asking questions for this gaming blog she talking about, so I hopped on iTunes and downloaded their 12th Transmission as I was going to get Arkham City yesterday.
Their podcast was very informative to me, considering I don't troll all the big gaming sites to get gaming news. Plus they are just funny and comical at the same time, so there is a perfect balance of seriousness and crazyness. They even take viewer questions, I like when podcasts talk to their viewers I think that shows the care about the viewers, even a give a way or 2 has happened.
I mean I could go on about the trasmission I listened to but you should just stop reading this and go listen to it. I found it on itunes but the current one is up on their site, not sure if the 13th is up on their yet.
Twitter:!/press2reset and!/P2RTransmission
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Sideways:NewYork, making spary painting fun!! Not..really..
So I tried out Sideways Newyork the demo. This game is a fusion of MegaMan Side Scrolling jumping with all the Graffiti from Jet Set Radio mall with music by Skull Candy and some other Rapping DJ, and if you didn't know it was done by Skull Candy you will be reminded since they logo them selves everywhere.
I couldn't grasp the story expect this Alternate Dimension is run by kidnapper Graffiti demon things, and you have to save some girl, which I would guess is your girlfriend.SO you gain spray painted powers as you move along, using the paint to make platforms and using them to defeat little bad guys coming along. Now as your going along you might get lost, but don't worry there are little tags that you collect and if you roam around and see none, then you have gone the wrong way, so don't worry as the stage flips about getting confused.
The music is very hip hop ish, as I would expect given the basis of the game, but the music gets very repeative with very little change in tempo or style, so if you like listening to the same song for 15mins as you spray paint, enjoy.
In the end, I have nothing really posistive to say about this game, could some people like it, of course..but not me, I am just happy it wa s ademo..because if I had guess and paided real money, I would of been super pissed..
Friday, October 14, 2011
Dragon Age 2 DLC, Mark of the Assassian
SO now we look at the new Dragon Age 2 DLC, Mark of the Assassian. And yes the new character Tallis is voiced by Fecila Day. Also a warning, this is going to be one of those rant kinds..because there was more bad in the DLC than good. I will try to be as spoiler free as possible.
This is Tallis, Elven dual wield dagger assassian. She has abasic rouge skill set with her leaning more towards cloack and dagger stuff, she has a points into the Subterfuge skill line, along with her own personal skill set aka Infiltrator that helps her sneak and destroy. But no points anywhere else, so I upped her Dual Wielding skills and her speed. She also can throw her daggers, making her a short range yet long range.
Now to the bad parts, first off her Attributes, for DEX and CUN are in the mid to upper 30's when you get her, and unless you have a Breath of the Maker or do a lot of questing that is where she is going to stay, so her damage out put is pretty low. And because of said low DEX, any super cool daggers you might have laying around are all going to be useless, so your stuck with her base shitty equips. The same goes for her armor, unlike our previous DLC add on character Sebastian, you can't upgrade Tallis's expect her to die and die..and die... ALso her personality is a very egotisical and snarky one, "Yes you may be the Champion of Kirkwall..but I am still better than you"..and seriously that ton will get on your nerves. Does Felicia Day do a good job voice acting, only kinda..the voice seems kinda real emotion or inflectional change in her voice.
Now onto the actual mission, which again was more annoying than interesting/fun. Now it may of been that I was only at lvl 23 when i attempted this, it could of been that i brought my favorite party, expect Isabella since Tallis needed a spot..but besides them I had Varric and Merrill. But I died a ton while doing this, mostly while doing a quest where i faught some People who Prayed to the Sky..and fighting one of the story scripted bosses..but oddly enough didn't die much during the final boss.
The DLC takes place after the huge battle with the The Arishok but before the final Battle, since it is brought up in conversation. also you see characters from Dragon Age Origins..and turns out one of them knows Tallis from sometime, I won't say who, but I hope they expand on this some.
Now if your are a trophy/achievement hunter, like I am..4 out of the 5 are farily simple. You get 2 by default. One of them you just need to wander around and find all needed materials needed to hunt your "prey" onto the 3rd one also known as Blackjack Subtle. Now with this you need to sneak around in the shadows and distract guards walking around without being seen once. But the game tells you that you can use skills to hid as well, so unless you put points into Subterfuge skill tree..get ready to probably get caught a lot. This gave me horrors of Metal Gear Solid every time i got caught. Save often..because if you get caught then load a save, it doesn't count that you got caught. Now the 4th trophy is just guarded by tile puzzles..I hate tile puzzles..I mean really who doesn't hate tile puzzles..?
I would like to thank the guys at video games blogger for their videos to get me through the sneaking around and the tile puzzles, seriously would of been driven mad with out them.
If finale, if you play this Post Game, as with most of all the other DLC that has been released you will be disappointed in the equipment area. The enemies might give you some of a challenge depending on your party and level you are at. You might be driven mad about the puzzles and sneaking around. And in all seriousness, i have yet to see one person who was actually happy with Tallis as a character, but get it if you want more EXP, and if you like hear Varric's stories, I damn well do.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Get 3 more friends and enjoy this free game
Just announced..that i saw on Facebook..and confirmed by official download. You can get The Legend of Zelda 4 Swords Adventure 25th anniversary edition for free between 9/28/2011-2/20/2012..on the DSI and seriously go get this game right now.
Double Dose of Demo Dipping Delights
So today we take a look at two different demo's that have come out recently. First off is From Dust which is on Steam and PSN (Maybe Xbox, I don't know) and the PSN exclusive Eufloria.
From Dust is a God Game in the sense thatr you help tiny little villagers thrive and survive, but it's not your typical god game like The Sims, or playing this all you do is move the lands around to help the villagers make more bridges and help them complete trails so their villages aren't destroyed, the problem is with all god games, the little villagers are spazzy and can't do anything on their own. So I got through the first 2 mission okay, but the 3rd had a time limit or a Tidal wave will come, well I failed and my village got wiped out twice by the tidal wave. God like puzzle games with a time limit, yah very much not my thing, so i didn't try a 3rd time to watch my village get destroyed. SO I turned the demo off and tried the 2nd demo of today.
Eufloria, you plan little seeds on asteroids to expand your tiny plant like empire. Move the seeds along to build trees, to make more seeds. to make more trees to get more planets. As you play along you run into rival little seed empires guys and have to fight for control of their planets, to further expand your empire. Yes this right tiny little seed war fare, now each planet has stats of Strength/Speed/Energy, which probably come more into play later, but in the beginning I personally didn't worry about hat, I just stock piled my little seed guys then bum rushed the enemy planet next to me. The whole time this is going one their is some ambient music going on in the back ground, so the whole war like experience is kinda tranquil and zen like. The controls take a lot of getting used to, but there are button guides on the screen to help with that, the rest is just moving from planet to planet and zooming in controls to see what is going on..Get passed that and the game will be a ton of fun. I recommend this totally.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Now you do can Game at the End of Time
Yes, Chrono Trigger is now available now on the PSN to play on the PS3andPSP for only 9.99$. If you have never played Chrono Trigger, you should play it, I mean I can't even go into the depth of this game, I am just excited that I can download and play it now. And you Should be to.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Men are failing at life because of video games, a look at a CNN article
First off thanks to Destructoid for the picture.
I first read about this Article here on Destructiod: CNN story to Men: 'Get off the video games' and 'man up' from the Twitter of The Blonde Nerd...the articale that started all of this came from CNN here: Why men are in trouble..?
Basically the jist of this article is hat mean are falling behind in women at college degree rates, and earnings. Also a decline in, "founding values" of work, marriage, and religion. And this is all due to men sitting around and playing video games..This article goes onto to talk about ladys says, "we are all the single guys at"..and so forth, so before I boil over in a rage filled stupidity, le me go into this..
First of "we are all the single guys at", what people fail to understand is gamers seek out gamers, just like jocks seek out jocks, and doctors seek out doctors..You see out those who you have a common intrest in..duh...A gamer guy is not going to seek out a woman who doesn't play games at all and vice verse..since the non-gamer will never understand of why anyone can sit and play the same game for 10 hours in a row..but if you are a single gamer, go to a Anime/Gaming/SciFi convention..and you will find some other single gamers to hit it off with, or you can ask me..-didn't admit he was single..-..-well maybe..-
Moving on, and I am going to use a friend of mine as a case study without tell him till after I write this, but we will understand and chuckle I talked about him. Onto the "founding values" part of this counter rant, My friend and Ex-Coworker Cory welch (link might work..dunno)..anyway he is a fellow gamer who I used to work with, our friendship was built upon that he is a gamer and our unique sense of humor, right now he is following his dream of being an Musical Performer, he is also very religious a total God Head, and he just purposed to his soon to be wife..all of this as he tells me that he plays Secret of Mana on his iPhone..So seriously what is going wrong here..he has all his values and is still and avid gamer..this maybe be just one person, but still it shows flaws in this guys logic..
So trust me it isn't video games that are leading to the down fall of men, it's just men being idiots..and to quote something I heard in highschool, 'Women wll always be better than men..because they have tits". Also let me close by saying gamers no matter what the gender are way more awesome and attractive than those who aren't..
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Like a Zombie coming back, it's time for more Left 4 Dead 2
So I went off and played some of the other Mode in Left 4 Dead 2, so I am going to go more into those.
Survival, simply beat the clock kinda of thing. The longer you last the better your medal is. very simple kimda of mode to play, but it gets harder and harder as you continue. I have seen a custom map that is like Helm's Deep from Lord of the Rings 2, which is kinda awesome.
Next is Scavenge, this is an 8 player match, 4 survivors and 4 people playing as special infected. The point of the Survivors is to collect and empty gas cans into a generator to save the day. While the other 4 mission as the special infected is to kill the Survivors.
Lastly is the feared VS mode..this is all out team death match, just like with Survival it is 4 survivors VS 4 special infected, this I didn't play to long mostly because people are over paranoid dicks, this is probably the most hardcore mode you can play. Which seriously isn't fun for me and just out of my skill range. If you play you need to be kinda twitchy considering baddies are around every corner.
After playing these other 3, if I want to do anything besides Campaign mode, it would just be survival, these other two are just out of my range for what I can do. Anyway other people might like them, so give them a shot before you discount them.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Left 4 Dead 2, late to the party..
So yes I know I am a little late to the Party on this one, considering most everyone has talked about this game, but I figured I would give you my take on it. If I mess the story part I qoute I apologize, I haven't looked to much into it or read the book..
Before I go any further, the main reason I play this is because I have watched all of the Let's Play's that the Team Four Star Guys do, they got me addicted to this game. Check out their Let's Plays here: TFS Let's plays
First off I have not played Left 4 Dead, the reason is that I got L4D2 on sale on Steam, would I liek to play the first one, yes I would like to.
Anyway, like most games, you a random group of people throwing together to survive a total fucking zombie end of the world disaster, which I think was started by a group called CEDA, sounds like Resident Evil stuff to me. Anyway you are:
Coach: Literally a Coach, seems to be the more experience of the group
Nick: Seems like he is a sacarastic guy from Vegas-ish
Rochelle: I heard she was a laywer
Ellis: Red Neck with a crazy sense of humor
Anyway when you play the game you can choose between : Campaign, Single Player, Survival, VS mode, and Realism. I personally have only done Single Player and Campaign, mostly because I hear VS is a crazy beast, and I am okay..but not that good..
Now everyone has their own play style to this game, what kind of weapons and the like they prefer to hold. Me I enjoy using shot guns, surprisingly I get better accuracy with them, I also enjoy the melee weapons as my 2nd weapon, since they don't have ammo, besides the chain saw the 2 best I have seen are the Katana and the Cricket bat-if I am wrong correct me. I also prefer Molotiov's- over pipe bombs and the boomer jars the later to attract zombies in giving you chance to kill them in groups, I enjoy fire my self. I also prefer having pills to adrenaline shots, because pills are quicker to take and last longer, unless I know I am in an area that I need to run..
In single Player, it is just choose your choose your Map, which there is a story to be told if you play the maps in order, I have no idea what the order is, expect I think the Map Dead Center is "first". The PC AI's are kinda smart, they are good at protecting you, each other and not shooting you. But they like to use all their health stuff on you and not save it for them selves, which is fine and all expect when they die..Single player does make it hard to get some of the achievements, since you will have to do all the achievement work, and rely on them not to let you get killed. But over all, if you don't play well with others, this mode will hold you over just fine.
In Campaign Mode, you can join games waiting on players or just jump into a game in progress. I dislike games in progress since I usually get players whose weapons don't match my play style, so I am screwed with some weapons I am not good with till I reach a re-spawn area. The two big problems of working with other is first; people who just like to charge ahead to get more kills than everyone else, this is just bad since this is a team game and usually they get killed or everyone else gets over run and they are to far away to help, plus only like 3 of the achievements are for kills..Secondly are ass holes with microphones..anyone who have every played a game knows that there are assholes with microphones and just love letting you know of their greatness..are all microphones users assholes, no..I am clearly met some cool ones, but most of them seem to be.
Also for the modes you can go off and download custom maps, I have not done this yet since usually they are not on official servers and the ones they ar eon like to lag all to hell.
Well I enjoy playing this game despite all the things I dislike about it, seriously I would go pick it up on either Steam or the XBOX if you haven't.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Motionjoy, the pluses and the minuses
Motion joy is a program that allows you to play PC games with a PS3 controller, but making your computer think it is an Xbox controller, since the both connect via USB. For the longest time this is how I was playing games on Steam, since I don't own an XBOX controller this seemed to be the perfect balance.
But recently, Motionjoy will stop working, forcing me to ctrl alt del out of the game I am playing to re-enable the program, usually while this happens..I die, or I fail to protect the flag, this program happened more and more recently..But yesterday the program just stopped work..the site wouldn't load..So given all these problems, next week I am just going to get an X-Box controller, as much as it pains me, I hope I can get used to it, it is a big controller.
A lot of the loading problems I read are because of Win 7 64 bit, ive heard that if you have a 32 bit OS, it shouldn't be that much OS an issue, I aslso read there is some way to fix it, but it sounds to complicated to deal with, so a new controller I will get.
I do recommend trying this program out for anyone, even more so if you want to PC game and aren't good at Mouse and Keyboard like I am/
But recently, Motionjoy will stop working, forcing me to ctrl alt del out of the game I am playing to re-enable the program, usually while this happens..I die, or I fail to protect the flag, this program happened more and more recently..But yesterday the program just stopped work..the site wouldn't load..So given all these problems, next week I am just going to get an X-Box controller, as much as it pains me, I hope I can get used to it, it is a big controller.
A lot of the loading problems I read are because of Win 7 64 bit, ive heard that if you have a 32 bit OS, it shouldn't be that much OS an issue, I aslso read there is some way to fix it, but it sounds to complicated to deal with, so a new controller I will get.
I do recommend trying this program out for anyone, even more so if you want to PC game and aren't good at Mouse and Keyboard like I am/
A little more about the one under the lamp post
I snagged this nifty little thing from here: the little things we do
1. My current obsession is FMA Brotherhood and Steam Powered Gaming .
1. My current obsession is FMA Brotherhood and Steam Powered Gaming .
2. Anime and Gaming make me happy.
3. My greatest strength is unique outlook on things .
4. My broken and hopeless heart is my greatest weakness.
5. My life is slowly down the drain .
6. In high school I was able to jump friendship clicks easily .
7. When I'm super tired I let my mind float to a happier place .
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Looking hot while killing zombies, welcome to Onechanbara
So on a tip from my Therapist I picked up Onechanbara: Bikini Zombie slayers because she said it was killing zombies with hot Asian girls and swords, the more than enough for me to play a game.
This game was realised on the Wii and the Xbox, and like so many titles on the Wii that are also out on other systems..the took a lot of the plot out and gave it slightly annoying controls. I have been told by ym Theaprist again, that the Xbox release has more cut scenes that flesh out the story, and I am going to assume the controls are better.
You start off being able to pick between one of 2 sisters, with the ability to change their costumes to much sexier versions later after achieveing quests and beating the game. The story is the sisters are looking for each other, something about Banebul Blood and it making them go crazy..seriously not much of this is explained well. There are 2 other characters you can play as later, I assume after you beat the game, but I haven't gotten that far. But I did have to fight one of them as a boss, if that counts for anything.
The 2 reasons you play this game are obvious Fan cerise and killing zombies, which I can totally appricate. To unlock more sexy outfit, you need to beat a stage and go play in Free Mode and to Quests/Missions, the problem is the game doesn't tell you what they are until you do it, so be preprared to guess or searth the web for guides on what to do, or just go here: Onechanbara walk through: PDF form, just trust me on is a life saver.
Another thing with this game is comboing, combo better and get more exp to level up faster, make sense expect most monster die in like 3 hits and the combo meter doesnt get good till 10..and it is short lived not giving you time to continue the combo chain. Also there are "rings" that get dropped from special monsters along the way, and theses can only be killed by "Cool Comboing", which is perfect zen timing on your combo. This would be all well and good by me and comboing don't get along, it's part of the reason why I don't do fighting games.
The game is kinda repeating it's self, but I kinda expected that going into this game..mostly giving it's not a complex game and one again it's on the Wii.
If your not interested in mad questing or trying to figure out comboing, this isn't that long of a game. You could probably beat it in a weekend run if you so wanted to, your arm might be tired from waving the wii mote around though. So if you like sexy barely clothed asians with swords cutting and beating the hell out of zombies, I would recommend you get this game even more so if you have an Xbox..if you have a will you might dig this but be bummed that the Xbox version is better, but that shouldn't be something new to Wii owners, disappointment.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Final Fantasy HD it's not that one you think it is
So I was reading my Twitter feed and saw this from Kotaku: final-fantasy-x.
Thats right, FFX is coming to us in an HD remake, this excites me because despite everything I enjoyed 10. The story was solid, I loved the characters, the skill system was interesting it just allowed you to make everyone into everyone else but you had to earn the hell out of it. My one thing that pissed me off with the ultimate weapons system, needing to pieces to unlock the weapon and most of those times the 2 pieces were un-godly hard..-remember 200 lighting strike dodge challenge-
Now has this pissed off some people, yes it has. People want FF13 versus out..and 14 to be fixed. But in my opinion that is just the part of the anger.
The main reason nwhy people are pissed is that, it's not FF7!! Seriously what is Square thinking, do they not know how much money they could make if they re-made 7!!!!! It just makes me so pissed off..anyway I leave you with the teaser "Tech-Demo" that shows the possible intro to FF7 on the PS3.
Thats right, FFX is coming to us in an HD remake, this excites me because despite everything I enjoyed 10. The story was solid, I loved the characters, the skill system was interesting it just allowed you to make everyone into everyone else but you had to earn the hell out of it. My one thing that pissed me off with the ultimate weapons system, needing to pieces to unlock the weapon and most of those times the 2 pieces were un-godly hard..-remember 200 lighting strike dodge challenge-
Now has this pissed off some people, yes it has. People want FF13 versus out..and 14 to be fixed. But in my opinion that is just the part of the anger.
The main reason nwhy people are pissed is that, it's not FF7!! Seriously what is Square thinking, do they not know how much money they could make if they re-made 7!!!!! It just makes me so pissed off..anyway I leave you with the teaser "Tech-Demo" that shows the possible intro to FF7 on the PS3.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
This week we look Tieria Erde and his suit the Seravee Gundam.
Tieria is a pilot from 00 Gundam to look into him look here: Tieria_Erde. Tieria skill set favors Shot and Defense. His personal mission has him behind enemy lines fighting ace pilots by him self, then Setsuna comes to the rescue, you need to race around making sure your HQ isn't taking over, this included beating up a Giant Mobile Suit. In the end you fight Ribbons, the enemy from the 00 Series.
The Seravee Gundam favors Shot/Defense/Armor..the suit is not fast or agile. So if you need to race some where, the Seravee probably won't make it in time. But if you want to take out a huge crowd of people, this suit is for you. It's personal equipment is like the other 00 Gundams, the Original Solar Furnace, which increases it's Trans AM time. It's ground SP attack is a huge pink death ball that gets fired and trails along a path, but it should be known that the more SP bars you have charged up the bigger the ball gets at max it is about 25% of the screen and can clear a grow or take an Ace Pilots HP bar down by about half. It's air SP attack combine the two cannon in a huge single burst, which is good for taking out a single target.
As your attacking you will see a smaller suit fly off the Seravee, this Gundam is the Seraphom Gundam, in the game it helps with attacking, in the show it helps with attacks and more support features. This suit doesn't have it's own stats. I just wanted to talk about it since, people might be wondering what it was.
This is the last DLC for DWG 3 when it comes to suits. And this last one didn't disappoint, it was fun to just blast the hell out of everything with big pink "Vanishing Balls" (DBZ usage here). So if you want to just shoot everything and just laugh Heavy style like in TF 2, get this suit today.
Friday, September 9, 2011
DWG 3 DLC, How fast do you want to go..?
SO this week we bring you the Arios Gundam and it's pilot Allelujah Haptism.
Allelujah is a Gundam Meister from 00 Gundam, to learn about him check out here Allelujah_Haptism. His stats are truely balanced, not favoring one over another. His personal mission has you racing all over the screen to different points, fighting Big Zam along the way. Note if your a fan of Hallelujah, aka his evil side, Like I am..Expect to be disappointed, Hallelujah has only one line, I was expect more lines from him or even better to just select him and listen to him all the time. Also I refuse to use his English voice, since it's the since voice ascot as Inyusha..I refuse to listen to him..
This is the Arios Gundam. First thing first, this suit doesn't spealize in shot/melee and the armor/defense isn't to high, the Arios is all about speed, hit them quick dodge around and hit them again, also using dash attacks in rapid succession with in mid combo, is a good way to fight Ace Pilots. The Arios can also enter Trans Am mode much like other 00 Gundam- you thought you were fast before wait till Trans AM. It's unique special part, is "Original Solar reactor" which increases it's Trans-Am length It'd ground SP uses a spread attack of it's twin beam cannons for massive crowd control. It's air SP, it turns into it plane mode and charges ahead. Like Wing Zero, Zeta, ZZ and some others it can transform into a flight mode. With this unit, if you want to train, i recommend lower level mission until you get some plans, because you won't be hitting hard. SO get ready to die a lot if you start off to hard.
This DLC I was to totally disappointed , I was expecting to be able to hear Hallelujah and his craziness, also I was expect a little more out of the Arios, not just pure speed..I was expect at least some better defense/armor. I could of handled the low attack with better armor. So I got it because I wanted to have a total DLC set, but only get this if you like Allelujah over his crazy side, or if you are a crazed speed attacker.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
DWG 3 DLC Shoot Them Up
This weeks DWG 3 DLC brings up the 00 Cherudim Gundam and it's pilot Lock On Stratos.
Lockon Stratos, he is a Gundam Mesiter and actually the 2nd "Lockon Stratos", once again if you want to know his history check out: Lockon_Stratos. His stat's lean towards Shot with some defense, with little to no melee. His personal mission has him in a 3 way battle, where if you save the 3rd party they team up with you, there is some time limits involved with this, but they aren't to bad, once the 2nd half of the battle begins, Setsuna joins you and it is clear sailing. Once again as with all 00 voice actors his japanese voice is much better and less annoying than his English voice.
Now his Gundam the Cherudim Gundam, which is a total shot type. Seriously even the melee attacks where he attacks with a bladed underside of a pistol it still fires shots. Once you get to the 4th and 5th melee chain, the "bits" on the back come out and give you extra firing support. It's shot during melee attacks at the last one, you can hold down triangle and charge up his sniper rifle to a semi wide range long distance attack. When using his SP attacks he enters Trans-Am, which increases speed and attack, like all the other 00 Gundams, the suits unique Equpiment is called, "Original Solar Furnace" which extends Trans AM lengh. His ground SP attack has his bits to a "all range style attack" then attacks with his sniper rifle. His air S{ is a rapid fire of the sniper rifle and the straight forward rapid firing of the bits. His team SP is the 8 bits combine and alunch arching blast attacks while the sniper rifle keeps shooting. This suit is designed to rain down tons of shots while controlling crowds, it is not that fast, agile and can only take a medium grade pounding.
Over all this DLC impressed me a ton, I was more expecting the Arios DLC this week, but if you like this gundam..if you like the pilot..or if you just wanted more bit/funnel fun than you got with
Qubeley, the Nu Gundam, the Sazabi or the Strike freedom, then pick up this DLC and just have fun shooting the hell out of everyone.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Dragon Age 2 Item pack 2 DLC look into
Another set of Equipment Packs for Dragon Age 2 has come out today, lets look at each most note worthy pieces.
You now can dual wield with hand axes that mostly increase crit % along with a bow that ups attack and crit%.
The accessory you receive for Varric, Isabela, Sebastian all seem to up their chance for critical, and the damage that happens. A Long with improves magic and or physical damages, and the all improve on level ups
Weapons wise you get a 2 handed hammer that ups crit damage and normal damage. Also a hand axe that has +161 attack and +12% damage. The sheild improves defense +50 and 8% magic resistance.
Avelines new belt increases health, attack, magic resistance and she gets healed better. Fenris gets a ring that gives 1+ to all attributes, ups his HP, attack and physical damage %. Carver gets a amulet that gives him strength, health,attack, and attack speed.
The one mage staff you get up all 5 types of elemental damage by 16% a great have for any wizard.
Merril's Amulet ups fire/cold/spirit damage by 13%, givers her 1+ magic, +54 attack and more mana regeneration. Behtany's ring gives her more magic stat, ups her spirit damage, and increases her heal powers.. Ander's belt ups his mana pool, mana regeneration rate, his elec/spirit damage and makes him a better healer
As with the previous item pack Dragon age 2 item pack 1, the armor is all pretty much useless in any post game content as you will be too strong, the weapons are all fantastic at any point in the game, along with the accessories your partners receive. So if you have beaten the game and the extra DLC don't invest in these, but if you are just starting over these packs like the previous one swill make things so much easier for you.
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